Advertising Packages - More Info

All images should be CMYK at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI.
Full page advertisements require a 3mm bleed.
Files must be Press Ready PDF, InDesign CS5 or TIFF.

We can design your advertisement for a small fee.
Starting at $22 for a 1/4 page ad, $44 for a 1/2 page ad, and $66 for a full page ad.

All advertising artwork and other copy or materials must be received by the 10th of each month for inclusion in the following month’s publication.
Art Specifications
All images should be CMYK at a minimum resolution of 300 DPI.
Full page advertisements require a 3mm bleed.
Files must be Press Ready PDF, InDesign CS5 or TIFF.

Creative Services
We can design your advertisement for a small fee.
Starting at $22 for a quarter page ad.
$44 for a half page ad.
$66 for a full page ad.
Advertising Deadline
All advertising artwork and other copy or materials must be received by the 10th of each month for inclusion in the following month’s publication.
Where The Guides are Distributed...

The Guides Distribution Areas
The Guides print 11 magazines each year (December/January are combined) and distribute 11,000 copies of each local magazine per month.
You can find them in stands around the local area, including here on The Redcliffe Peninsula, and in local shops and businesses where there are a lot of people in and around the area.
They are distributed from the 1st of each month and often topped up in the busiest locations.
They are a very popular and relied upon magazine, with a great track record and locals, our loyal readers hold onto and refer to throughout the month and beyond.
The Guides Demographics
The Guides magazines are read by your customers. These customers are local people who are looking for local services, businesses, and things to see and do.
These readers live locally and are both male 35% and female 65% aged 30 plus.
They want to hear about what is happening in their community and what local businesses are available to meet their needs.
Printed Advertising Rates
Single Ad
3 Issues
6 Issues
12 Issues
24 Issues
1/8 page (62mm w x 44mm h)
1/4 page (62mm w x 93mm h)
1/2 page (128mm w x 93mm h)
Full page (148mm w x 210mm h)
Inside back cover, page 2, 3
Outside back cover
Double page spread
Dining Guide
Directory Standard (2 lines & Bold)
Directory display Small (64mm w x 20mm h)
Directory Display Large (64mm w x 40mm h)
All ads are the cost per insertion per publication.
All prices are per publication and inclusive of GST.
Series bookings can be mixed and matched across any consecutive month or local publication. Or let is tailor a package that suits your timing and budget.
25% premium placement loading fee applies for guaranteed first quarter position.
Got more questions, or want to advertise now?
We’re looking forward to working with you on your advertising with Visit Redcliffe Qld and The Redcliffe Guide.
Feel free to ask any questions about your advertising with Visit Redcliffe Qld and The Redcliffe Guide.