Holiday Houses in Redcliffe

There are plenty of great places to stay!

Looking for a Holiday House for just you or the whole family to stay in Redcliffe?


A variety of options are available across the Redcliffe peninsula. There are units, townhouses and if you require more room, there are a number of houses available for rent.

Most rentals are within walking distance to a beachfront, as Redcliffe has a number of accessible beaches, from Clontarf in the south, to Scarborough in the north. If you are not up to walking, the beaches are within a short driving distance.

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Holiday Houses in Redcliffe

Check out the best holiday houses in Redcliffe


1o Level 1 Comino’s Arcade 133 Redcliffe Parade Redcliffe Qld 4020


M – F : 9am–5pm

Sat : Send Us An Email

Sun : Send Us An Email