Statistics in redcliffe

Interesting Stats About People and Employment in Redcliffe

Census records can reveal a great deal about a community. Using the most recent data available (2021 Census) from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, we can get an interesting snapshot into the lives of those who call Redcliffe home.

Weekly Income

According to census records, the median weekly income for residents 15 years of age and older ranges from $626 per person and $1,534 per family to $1,114 per household. Compared to Queensland and Australian medians, these numbers are at the lower end of the scale.

Queensland Median Weekly Incomes

Per Person – $787

Per Family – $2,024

Per Household – $1,675

Australia Median Weekly Incomes

Per Person – $805

Per Family – $2,120

Per Household – $1,746

Queensland Median Weekly Incomes
Australia Median Weekly Incomes

Have you ever wondered how people get to work in Redcliffe? Well, that was the basis of one of the many questions asked in the 2021 Census. The results may surprise you.

The top four answers were the same for Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia. The majority of employed people 15 years of age and older get to work either as the driver or a passenger in a car. The higher percentage was 65.4 (Queensland) followed by Redcliffe (63.4%) and Australia (57.8%). The second most popular way to get to work was by car as the driver.

employed people 15 years of age and older get to work either as the driver or a passenger in a car.

The most interesting result in the Census on this question was the third-most-popular answer. In all cases, 21.0% of all residents in Australia, 14.4% in Redcliffe, and 14.1% in Queensland didn’t have to worry about how they got to work as they all worked from home.

Employed people who worked from home

Other answers to the question included traveling in a car as a passenger only, walking to work, riding a truck, hopping a train, using public transportation, or not working at all.

Those numbers were quite close with 11.8% (Australia), 11.5% (Redcliffe), and 11.1% (Queensland) all unemployed.

The 2021 Census asked a question regarding unpaid work and care. The respondents aged 15 and older all admitted to completing unpaid domestic work (68.6% in Queensland, 67.7% in Australia, and 65.8% in Redcliffe). The trend was repeated for those who said they had provided unpaid care for a child or children. However, things shifted with the answer “provided unpaid assistance to a person with a disability, health condition, or due to old age.”

A total of 14.2% was recorded in Redcliffe followed by Australia with 11.9% and Queensland with 11.5%. As for volunteer work, Queensland and Australia tied at 14.1% with Redcliffe just a little lower at 12.5%.


As for the number of hours of unpaid domestic work performed by residents 15 years of age or older, the majority of respondents in all three geographic categories estimated they had completed between 5 and 14 hours in a week. That was followed by less than 5 hours, 15 to 29 hours, and over 30 hours.


The general health of a population can tell you many things. The 2021 Census focused a series of questions on this. As for the different types of long-term health conditions Australians suffer from, the list varies in each of the geographic categories.

For example, The majority of residents in Redcliffe (46.9%) have no long-term health conditions. However, 15.7% have arthritis, 13.4% deal with mental health issues such as depression or anxiety, and 10.7% have asthma. As for Queensland, the picture shifts from no long-term health issues to mental health conditions, arthritis, asthma, and diabetes. Country-wide, the majority of Aussies (60.2%) report no long-term health conditions. That is followed by mental health issues, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.

Other conditions mentioned include cancer, dementia, kidney disease, lung conditions, and stroke.


Speaking of long-term health conditions, it is common for those who suffer from them to be dealing with more than one. The 2021 Census broke that down.

While 51.1% of Redcliffe residents have no health issues, 23.9% have one condition, 9.8% deal with two conditions and 7.3% say they have three or more. In Queensland, most residents (62.3%) are healthy. However, 19.3% have one condition, 6.2% have two, and 3.3% have three or more. In Australia, 64.1% of residents are healthy. There are 18.8% who have one condition, 5.9% with two, and 3.0% who have three or more conditions.

To be fair, 7.9% of Redcliffe residents, 8.9% in Queensland, and 8.1% in Australia did not answer the question regarding health conditions.



One more question from the 2021 Census to examine. This one asked residents 15 years of age and older about their involvement in the Australian Defense Force Service. The majority of Australians (91.2% countrywide), 89.4% in Queensland, 88.8% in Redcliffe report having never served. In Redcliffe, 5.0% have served in the past, where 3.3% in Queensland, and 2.4% in Australia state the same.

As for those currently serving, 0.6% are in Queensland, 0.4% in Australia, and 0.1% in Redcliffe. Once again, several respondents did not provide an answer to this question (6.7% Queensland, 6.1% Redcliffe, 6.0% Australia).

So, what are we learning here?

Basically, if you don’t work from home, chances are you get to work daily by car. Mostly that is as the driver, but if you are not behind the wheel, you are enjoying the commute as a passenger.

However, if you live in Redcliffe, you are probably earning slightly less (on average) than residents in Queensland or elsewhere in the country. The majority of Aussies are healthy and if you have a health condition, you may have more than one.

Oh, and few have served in the military. Does that make Redcliffe any less attractive a place to visit or move? Of course not. If anything, you now have a little more insight into the people who call Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia home.

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