
More Redcliffe Demographic Stats

The data collected as part of the 2021 Australia Census, conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, tells us a lot about the everyday lives of the residents of Redcliffe. In this installment, we will dig a little deeper into the data to learn more about the people in this part of Queensland.


At the time of the census, Redcliffe had 97 preschool students, 544 primary students, 556 secondary students, and 402 in tertiary education.

Level of Highest Education Attained

In Redcliffe, 15.5% of the population have at least Certificate Level 3 education, followed by 15.2% with at least Year 10, and 15.1% having a Bachelor’s Degree level of education or above. In Queensland, the highest percentage was 21.9% who said they had a Bachelor’s Degree or above, 15.5% completed at least Year 12, and 15.3% had Certificate Level 3 education. Queensland matched the Australian census data where there are more people aged 15 years and older with a Bachelor’s Degree or better education (26.3%), followed by Year 12 (14.9%), and Certificate level 3 (12.6%).

2021 Australia Census, the residents of Redcliffe in education

Cultural Diversity

This may come as no surprise that the ancestry of residents in Redcliffe matches that of both the state and country. Here are the details:


English – 45.2%

Australian – 32.5%

Irish – 13.2%

Scottish – 12.0%

German – 5.6%

Cultural Diversity stats in redcliffe


English – 38.0%

Australian – 33.4%

Irish – 11.0%

Scottish – 10.2%

German – 6.0%

Cultural Diversity stats in Queensland


English – 33.0%

Australian – 29.9%

Irish – 9.5%

Scottish – 8.6%

German – 4.0%

Cultural Diversity stats in Australia
Countries around the world of Birth

Country of Birth

The 2021 Australian Census only released the top 6 rersponses to the question on the country of birth. Redcliffe has a slightly different result than Queensland and the rest of the country.

In Redcliffe, the majority of residents (7,229 – 69.1%) were born in Australia. England is second (677 – 6.5%), followed closely by New Zealand (655 – 6.3%), with Scotland next (95 – 0.9%), with Phillippines just below (94 – 0.9%), and South Africa (88 – 0.8%) rounding out the list.

 In Queensland, Australia is in the top spot with 71.4%, New Zealand is next with 4.0%, England 3.7%, Scotland, Phillippines, and South Africa. As for Australia, a total of 66.9% of residents were born here with 3.6% coming from England, 2.1% New Zealand, 1.2% Phillippines, followed by South Africa, and Scotland.

Country of Birth of Parents

This is an interesting data set. Respondents who reported that both their parents were born in Australia topped the charts in Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia. The response “both parents born overseas” was second for all three. The trend continued with all three noting “father only born overseas” as the next popular answer. The last response, “mother only born overseas” rounded out the list for Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia.

Digging A Little Deeper

As for the birthplace of both parents, the 2021 Australia Census also gathered this information. The majority of fathers and mothers living in Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia were born in Australia. England is the second-most popular response in all three census sets. New Zealand and Scotland are next for all data sets. The only difference is that Netherlands was next on the list of birthplaces for fathers whereas Phillippines was next on the list of birthplaces for mothers.


Religious Affiliation

As for church activities, Redcliffe and Queensland match the trend of the Australian totals. From top to bottom of the five most popular responses, most residents of all regions describe themselves as following no specific religion. This is followed by Catholic, Anglican, Not Stated, and Uniting Church.

Language Used At Home

This is an interesting snapshot into the people of Australia. The language spoken most at home in Redcliffe other than English is Spanish. In Queensland and Australia, it is Mandarin. In Redcliffe, the list is as follows: English, Spanish, Mandarin, Russian, Italian, and Samoan. In Queensland, it is English, Mandarin, Spanish, Italian, Samoan, and Russian. In Australia, the numbers show English, Mandarin, Italian, Spanish, Russian, and Samoan.

Interestingly, 87.3% of Redcliffe residents speak only English at home. That compares to 80.5% in Queensland, and 72.0% countrywide.

English Language used at home compared to Queensland and Australia

Income and Work

Here we find out what people do and how much of it they do in an average week. According to the 2021 Australia Census, 47.7% of residents 15 years and older in Redcliffe are working. That compares to 61.6% in Queensland, and 61.1% across the country. A total of 46.3% of Redcliffe residents are not working, and 6.1% did not state otherwise. In Queensland, 32.0% are not working, with 6.4% who did not say either way. In the country, 33.1% of residents are not working and 5.8% did not state.

Employment Status

Of those residents who are in the labour force, 53.1% are working full-time in Redcliffe with 30.8% working part-time. An additional 9.5% are currently away from work and 6.7% unemployed. In Queensland, 55.8% are working full-time, 30.5 part-time, 8.3% are away from work, and 5.4% are without work. In the country, 55.9% are working full-time, 31.2% are holding part-time jobs, 7.8% are away from work, and 5.1% are not working.

Employment, Hours Worked

It is safe to say that Australians in general are hard-working individuals. It becomes even more obvious when you examine the 2021 Census regarding how many hours the average Aussie spends on the job.


Let’s take a closer look:


35-39 hours – 22.1%
40-44 hours – 18.9%
45 hours or more – 15.9%

Line chart of Employment Hours Worked in redcliffe


35-39 hours – 20.7%
45 hours or more – 19.3%
40-44 hours – 19.0%

Line chart of Employment Hours Worked in Queensland


35-39 hours – 20.6%
45 hours or more – 17.9%
40-44 hours – 20.3%


Line chart of Employment Hours Worked in Australia


This is where we learn what Aussies do that keeps them so busy at work.


Professionals – 18.1%

Community and Personal Service Workers – 14.3%

Clerical and Administrative Workers – 14.1%

Technicians and Trades Workers – 13.8%

Labourers – 11.4%

Managers – 10.6%

Sales Workers – 8.3%

Machinery Operators and Drivers – 7.4%


Professionals top the lists for both Queensland and Australia with Queensland occupations by population shifting slightly. The list according to the percentage of workers includes Technicians and Trades Workers, Clerical and Administrative Workers, Managers, Community and Personal Service Workers, Labourers, Sales Workers, and Machinery Operators and Drivers.

 The balance of the list for Australia includes Managers, Technicians and Trades Workers, Clerical and Administrative Workers, Labourers, Sales Workers, Machinery Operators, and Drivers.


Industry of Employment

The final data set for this time is related to where Australia’s workers work. In Redcliffe, most are hospital workers. That is followed by other social assistance services, aged care residential services, supermarket and grocery stores, and primary education.

 In Queensland, most workers are in the hospital industry followed by supermarket and grocery services, primary education, other social assistance services, and aged care residential services.

 Across the country, the majority of workers are in hospitals, followed by grocery stores, other social assistance services, primary education, and aged care facilities.

 More interesting demographic information to come!



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