
Interesting Stats About Redcliffe

Although the last Australian census was in 2021, the statistics paint an interesting picture of Redcliffe. By looking closer at the data, we can learn much about the community. Let’s take a deep dive into the numbers produced by the census.

More Women Than Men

At the time of the August 2021 census, the population of Redcliffe was 10,460 people. Of those inhabitants, 52.6% were identified as female with 47.4% male. The median age for Redcliffe residents was 52.


women than men statistics

Small Families

Although several families lived in Redcliffe during the census, those families did not have many children. The average number of children totaled 1.7 for families with children and 0.4 for all households surveyed.

Small Families

Family Size And Income

Going further into the data for family sizes in Redcliffe, the average number of people per household was 2. As for what the householders earned, the median weekly household income was $1,114.

Family Size And Income

Housing Costs

The 2021 Australian Census also measured various metrics related to housing costs. The median monthly mortgage repayment was $1,610 with the median weekly rent tapping out at $335, or roughly $1,340 per month. Additionally, the total number of vehicles per Redcliffe home was 1.5.

Housing Costs

More On People and the Population

Let’s compare some data with other census figures from Queensland and Australia. First, we’ll look at the total population. We noted above that there were more females than males in Redcliffe. The numbers were 52.6% females (5,500 in total), and 47.4% male (4,961). There are also more females in Queensland and Australia according to the 2021 Census. Here’s the breakdown:


Female – 50.7% (2,615,737)

Male – 49.3% (2,540,404)


Female – 50.7% (12,877,635)

Male – 49.3% (12,545,154)

Queensland male and female pie chart

Indigenous Status

Redcliffe is mostly non-Indigenous with 9,527 residents, or 91.1% stating this. However, there were 356 people (3.4%) who classified themselves as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders. As for residents who did not state their status, that number sat at 569 (5.4%).

Compared to the rest of the state and country, the results are similar. Here is a closer look:


Non-Indigenous – 89.9%

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander – 4.6%

Indigenous status not stated – 5.5%

The statistics of Queensland Indigenous Status Bar Chart


Non-Indigenous – 91.9%

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander – 3.2%

Indigenous status not stated – 4.9%


Another interesting stat to come out of the 2021 Australian Census is the age of residents. In Redcliffe, there were more people between the ages of 70 and 74 (911 or 8.7%) than any other age group. The second highest was those in the 65-69 years age group. That totalled 880 people or 8.4% of Redcliffe’s population. Next was the 60-64 age group (848 or 8.1%).


In comparison, The age group 30-34 years and 35-39 years tied for first place with 6.9% of the state population each. The 25-29 year age group was next with 6.7% followed by the 45-49 years and 10-14 years age groups, tied at 6.6% of the Queensland population each. The smallest age group in the state was 85 years and over with just 1.9% of the population. It is interesting to note that while the median age in Redcliffe was noted as 52, in Queensland it drops to 38.


The largest age group in the country at the time of the 2021 Census was aged between 30 and 34 years. That group totaled 7.3% of the population. The 35-39 year age group was next with 7.2% and the 25-29 year age group with 7.0%. The smallest age group in the country was also the 85 years and older group with 2.1% of the population. The smallest age group in Redcliffe was the 0-4 years group with just 3.3%. The median age in Australia matches that of Queensland at 38.

Different ages

Registered Marital Status

Redcliffe’s marital status figures match those of both the state and country. Here is a closer look. In Redcliffe, 3,613 people said they were married (39.3), while 2,793 (30.4%) stated they had never married. A total of 1,501 Redcliffe residents, or 16.3% of the population, were divorced, 806 (8.8%) were widowed, and 472 (5.1%) were separated.


Married – 45.0%

Never Married – 37.0%

Divorced – 9.7%

Widowed – 4.7%

Separated – 3.6%

Registered Marital Status around Queensland


Married – 46.5%

Never Married – 36.5%

Divorced – 8.8%

Widowed – 5.0%

Separated – 3.2%

Registered Marital Status around Australia

Social Marital Status

A registered marriage is different from a de facto marriage. In simple terms, a de facto marriage is the same as what many other countries and jurisdictions refer to as “living together” or living “common law.” Here are the stats from the 2021 Australian Census regarding social marriage.

There are more unmarried people in Redcliffe than married. A total of 4,194 (50.4%) residents are not married. A further 3,286 (39.5%) had registered marriages with just 847 (10.2%) living together in a de facto marriage.


There are more married residents than unmarried in the state. Here is the breakdown:

Registered Marriage – 45.4%

Not Married – 41.6%

De Facto Marriage – 12.9%


Social Marital Status in Queensland


There are also more married residents in the country than unmarried. Here are the numbers:

Registered Marriage – 46.6%

Not Married – 41.9%

Social Marital Status around Australia

De Facto Marriage – 11.5%

This is just a snapshot of the information available on Redcliffe, Queensland, and Australia as analyzed from the 2021 Australia Census that took place in August that year. The next Census is set for 2026 with preparation for it currently underway. It will be interesting to see what kinds of changes have taken place with the demographics that represent the people of Redcliffe, the Sunshine State, and the country.


There are a lot of different data sets available from the 2021 Census and we will review more of them in the coming months. Examining the information contained in a census can tell you a lot about the people in a place, where they come from, what they do, how much they earn, how large their family is, what they earn, and so much more. Watch for future articles to be posted right here at Visit Redcliffe Qld.

Storm Season Prep

Be Prepared During Storm Season

 Storm season runs from October to the end of April in Queensland. While extreme weather is commonplace in many parts of the world, storm season in Queensland can be quite severe. It is the time of year when Mother Nature throws all she’s got into this part of Australia. It is not unusual to experience hail storms, lightning, strong winds, flooding, and even cyclones. This is why it is always a good idea to take precautions and prepare you, your family, and your property for Storm Season.

How bad can it get?

Well, there have been record-setting storms in Queensland. One of the most notorious was Cyclone Yasi. This was a Category 5 cyclone that hit the coast of Queensland on February 3, 2011. Yasi had wind gusts estimated at 285 km/h and was 1,450 kilometres in diameter. The storm was moving at a rate of 25km/h and forced thousands of residents of Cairns to evacuate. As it turns out, the storm did not hit there, but flattened banana and sugar cane crops, trees, and several buildings. Yasi became the most costly cyclone in Australian history with an estimated $3.6 billion in damage.

Visit Redcliffe QLD image of dark gray stormy cloud and a paim tree been blown by tyhe strong storm wind

Fortunately, storms like Cyclone Yasi are the exception. However, that does not mean you should ease up on protecting yourself and your home. They call it storm and cyclone season for a reason. It means that there are weather events that can cause damage to your property if you are not prepared properly for the possibility.

 How do you do that? We have put together a short list of tips to help you get prepared for the potential of a dangerous storm. Remember, it is always best to prepare for the worst.

 Preparation Tips For Storm Season

Tip #1

Have A Plan In Place

In case the storm is severe, and you are on evacuation alert or are about to be evacuated, there are a few things you need to attend to before leaving your home. They include:

  • Turn off all utilities
  • Follow community disaster preparedness plans
  • Have a place pre-selected where all family members can meet and be accounted for
  • Also, have an evacuation plan for your pets

Tip #2

Secure The Outside of Your Home

Remove all large outdoor furniture from patios and decks. Also remove any potted plants, bicycles, toys, or other loose belongings. Trim any large trees or shrubs and if you have large outdoor sculptures, wrap them in burlap and tie them with rope.

Tip #3

Use Storm Shutters

To give doors, windows, and skylights added protection, cover them with shutters or impact-resistant glass. For additional coverage, nail plywood sheets over windows.

Tip #4

Secure Wall Hangings

If there is artwork hanging on exterior walls, remove the pieces and store them indoors. Secure all interior artwork and document any with current damage. Photograph all of them for a record that you can update with new photos, if necessary.

Tip #5

Move All Vehicles

In case of a flash flood, it is a good idea to move all vehicles to higher ground. If that is not an option, park them inside your garage but against the garage door. Places you should not park your vehicles when a storm is on the way are in low-lying areas, near powerlines, or under a tree.

Tip #6

Fill Up Everything

Just in case services go down during a severe weather event, you don’t want to be caught without. So, fill the tanks of any vehicles. Also, charge up mobile phones, and test your power generator. Ensure you have adequate fuel for it in case there is an extended power outage.

Tip #7

Unplug Household Appliances

All household appliances should be unplugged from power sources when a storm alert has been issued. For smaller appliances, store them securely in cabinets and move all household fixtures and large appliances away from exterior doors and windows.

Tip #8

Secure Important Papers

Documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, insurance papers, banking documents, and any other legal paperwork should be either stored in a safety deposit box away from your home. If that is not an option, store them in a bolted safe sitting in an interior closet in your home. Also, lock away valuables including jewelry.

Tip #9

Have An Emergency Kit

It is always a good idea to have an emergency kit handy. You can quickly put one together by gathering the following items:

  • A battery-operated flashlight, with fresh batteries
  • A portable radio
  • Bottled water
  • Non-perishable food
  • Blankets
  • Clothing
  • Toiletries and medications
  • Cash

Tip #10

Designate A Home Shelter Room

A room inside your house, which is completely enclosed and located on the first floor, should be used as your shelter room. It should be in the centre of your home and have no windows. This room is a good place to stay until the storm passes.

Man Preparing Windows for a Storm
Visit Redcliffe QLD image of a house and wooden boards covering the windows in preperation for a storm

Additional Planning Information

It is always best to be prepared for a severe storm long before one approaches. This is why it is important to plan months ahead. Take a good look around your home and yard and do some clean-up and organising so that if a storm does develop and is heading your way, you will be able to do emergency preparation without the panic of rushing to complete it.

If the exterior of your home contains potential storm hazards, such as glass ornaments or plenty of small fixtures, replace them with items that are easy to store and won’t cause further damage in a storm. Reduce clutter on decks and patios. Look inside your home and decide what you can do to further protect it from serious damage resulting from a severe storm.

The better prepared you are long before a storm arrives, the better your chances of getting through it unscathed. For more storm safety tips, or advice to help you protect your home, contact the nearest emergency preparedness centre or search for the emergency preparedness website serving your area of Queensland.


Crew Legal Spring Gala Ball

The first annual Spring Gala Ball raising funds for “Raise it for Redcliffe Hospital”.

This year’s funds will be purposely directed to the Rehabilitation unit of the hospital.

The night’s fundraising activities will include both a live and silent auction accompanied by canapes, dinner + drinks package.

Theme: Colours of Spring (Formal Cocktail)

Tickets available via Eventbrite/CREWLEGAL SPRING GALA BALL

Tenori - Moment by Moment redcliffe entertainment centre what's on in redcliffe

Tenori – Moment by Moment

Tenori Redcliffe Entertainment Centre what's on in Redcliffe

This trio of tenors bring their sense of fun and sophistication to classics from the worlds of Opera, Music Theatre, Jazz and everything in between.

All tickets: $28.00
+ $2.00 online/$2.10 phone transaction fee applies

Buy Tickets Here


Barry Gibb in Bee Gee Way


Tours around the Redcliffe Peninsula

There’s lots to see & do around Redcliffe!

Free Parking on the beach at the Redcliffe Jetty

Tours around the Redcliffe Peninsula

Imagine the sun on your face, a breeze in your hair, and a view of the sea. This is what awaits you as you tour around Redcliffe Peninsula. There is a lot to see and do with perfect venues and activities to entertain and amuse the whole family. Indoors or outdoors, you will find the most amazing things here.


Visit Bee Gees Way, the Settlement Cove Lagoon, or go whale watching. Whatever your interest, you will find something to fill your day from a road trip to a day at the Redcliffe Market. From tourist activities to local venues, you can tour and explore all that Redcliffe Peninsula offers.

See & Do